Saturday, March 29, 2008


And I was expecting cattle and armadillos in Texas! I also saw lions, moose, badgers and a host of other wildlife.......on my first trip to Cabella's.

I visited Kaylyn in Austin, Texas over her 30th birthday. My parents and Renee came, too and we had a grand time eating Texas BBQ, visiting the Alamo and the riverwalk in San Antonio, and shopping at the huge outlet malls somewhere between Austin and San Antonio. Another highlight for me, I'm sorry to say, was going to Costco. I confess, I love Costco. All that bulk stuff makes me feel rich and the only thing I actually bought were fiber pills (no comments on that, please).

On the way home I got stranded at the airports, several, and when I finally arrived home 32 hours later it felt a little magical. I mean, when was the last time I saw 50 dirty baby food containers in the sink and teared up? With happiness, I mean. Maybe the magic had something to do with the fact that I had started to doubt that I would survive to see home again. I almost spent the night at LaGuardia airport in NYC (more details on that later), took a taxi from New Jersey to Brooklyn (way better than any rolller coaster I've ever ridden), and survived a windy landing in New Hampshire that, during one huge dip, made the retired army guy sitting across the aisle from me scream. When I stepped off the plane Jay looked better than he did on the day I married him! He did a great job with the kids and the house. He had even cleaned our bedroom and not one of you can fathom what a monumental effort that was. I feel so grateful for his selflessness. I often tell him he is a better homemaker than me and fortunately I'm not threatened by his efficiency. (Carry on, honey. Please.) I'd like to send him on an escape with his brothers next March and I'll stay with the kids. Cash, Jared, Brent, what do you say?


Unknown said...

Glad you had such a great trip. Thanks for sharing it with us. I too have been to the Alamo and have been on the river walk-it and it was beautiful. Cabella's is something else. You will have to go to the one in Boise this summer.

Heard that you had some more snow!!

Laurie Nelson said...

I am glad that you got to go on an outing. Cabela's wouldn't have been on my list of things to do anywhere but it's better than going to the zoo. The animals are in an air conditioned environment. There is no "animal" smell and you are guaranteed to be able to see them -- no hiding in the back of some enclosure behind a rock.

Looks like fun!

JeNeale said...

Can't wait to hear more about your trip. I think sending the guys on a little trip sounds great. Let's plan on it.

Glad you're home safely, and I'm glad you got to go to Costco, and Cabela's I guess?