Saturday, March 7, 2009


I teach singing to the children who go to my church. My official title is Primary Chorister. (What we call Primary is similar to Sunday School in many other faiths, I believe.) Recently I had one of those moments a teacher dreams about having. I was standing in the front of the room looking down into my book of songs when my peripheral vision caught a paper airplane making its way to the front of the room. It was coming straight at me. Without looking up, I reached out, caught it, and tucked it behind my book. I haven't felt so cool since I was 18!

And speaking of being 18, when I was a Senior we moved and I went to a new high school partway through my Senior year. I was in a drama class with lots of sophmore boys and very few girls. Our teacher ask us to pair up and a 15-year-old boy rushed to my side. We were supposed to go to different parts of the room (all the partnerships simultaneously) and find each other by listening for the other person's voice. The only word we could say was "cookie." (What this has to do with drama escapes me. Comedy, on the other hand...) When my partner heard the instructions he said with swashbuckling volume, "I don't need to hear my partner, I can smell her!" I don't need to tell you that the room erupted with laughter, my partner murmured something about perfume, and another young man sturdily affirmed, "She'll never speak to you again."

This is a completely random post but I have missed writing and wanted to get something up so none of you would give up on me.


Anonymous said...

I have yet to do something that cool! Way to be! Your drama class story reminds me of a time on a study abroad trip that everyone in our group was describing their worst blind date. Over the course of one boy's story, the date started to sound awfully familiar . . . I suddenly knew why it felt like I had seen him before! I was his date and it had gone awfully terrible for all of us. I know. A random snippet. Funny but embarrassing all the same.

Josie said...

I love that you didn't have to say anything, simply catching the plane and tucking it away was enough, I'm sure.

If I had been in your drama class, my partner would be able to pick me out for sure. I would be laughing instead of saying "cookie."

snakeriverwalton said...

You must have the reflexes of a ninja! Good job. I love both your story and Carrie's.

dunowbunch said...

Lauralee- Hi this is Emily Fowler Dunow. I have loved ready your posts. So funny. Life is full of funny experiences when you have children (or a husband) around. I live in New Mexico far away from my family, just like you. I also blog to let my family keep tabs on us.

Melanie said...

I am so glad that you found our blog. Aren't blogs the best way to keep up with what is going on in everyones life? I love it. Especially since my adult conversations seem to be limited during the day, my blog has been my life saver! I look forward to keeping in touch!

JeNeale said...

Thanks for the randomness. I love it. Catching an airplane mid-flight! You are the bomb!

Have fun with Mom for the next two weeks. Talk to you soon. Love you all!

The Hills said...

What a delightful way to wake up in the morning and read your blog. I wish I remembered life in the same way that you do:) I WANT to post stories like yours but I can't seem to remember anything before yesterday....I blame the pregnancy. Love you, Maren