Sunday, March 2, 2008

"I'm very excited and scared to be here."

Name that movie.

Scared because:
1. I feel an ulcer coming on every time I even walk by the computer.
2. I have been pretending for years to have all my ducks in a row and I'm about to reveal the truth.

Excited because:
1. I love to write. It helps me find perspective and joy.

I'm falling asleep writing this. These first 50 words have just taken me 45 minutes to compose. That's roughly one minute per word! I'd like to write something truly brilliant, this being my first official entry and all, but my brain just went on strike.


Marisa said...


I'm so excited to be able to read your blog! It's so fun to be able to pop in and see how people are doing. As you know, I'm horrible about calling and talking on the phone, but I can do blogging... :)

You have a way with words so I look forward to reading your blog!

JeNeale said...

Hip Hip Hooray! I'm thrilled to see you writing and can't wait to read about your far away adventures. Be sure to figure out how to put pictures on so we can see those cute kids. I think your writing is terrific, and you will have a fun blog. Welcome! Love you all.

Jared and Maren said...

Oh please give something a little harder. The movie is......Hairspray:) Can't wait to hear more about you and your little fam.

Unknown said...

Laur way to go. I can hardly wait for you to continue blogging. Have fun!