Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's finally happened

There are lots of things I have been looking forward to for a long time - a new couch, a flat stomach, a housekeeper, a college degree, rice cakes that taste like Snickers, and the list goes on. And so I ask you, why couldn't one of those things have finally happened. One of those things would have brought great joy and satisfaction. Instead another first occurred only minutes ago - one of my children cut their own hair.
Lacey Grace now has bangs, lots of them, all shapes and sizes. She came proudly into the kitchen where I was cooking pudding on the stove and showed me her handful of hair. "I just wanted to see what I would look like," she told me.

In the past I've made the daring and foolish comment, "Not one of my children has ever cut their hair." I haven't meant this in a self-righteous way, I was just stating a fact and one I felt very grateful for, too. Just days before Lincoln's birth I stated another fact. "I have got the laundry under control." This was not bragging. This was simple truth. You know how there are some things that are always true, always have been, always will be and then there are other less permanent kinds of truth? Well,...
With these and other rash statements in mind, I would like to publicly withdraw a recent remark, "To this point I've never had a child that colored on the wall." I really said that. Out loud. To a witness. I take small comfort in the fact that I did say "to this point," but I didn't really mean it. Today I'd like to humbly ask that those words be struck from the record.

the laundry as it currently stands (or sits)

the bottom of the pan the pudding was in when Lacey Grace came in with her new haircut


Jared and Maren said...

Very beautiful. Maren thought something looked a little off but wasn't sure what is was until reading the blog. I think she looks great. Just think this (Maren and I live by this with our two hoodlums we sometimes refer to as our children), it could have been worse, much worse. Noah could have actually hit the glass picture he was aiming at with the hammer instead of missing 10 times. Lacey could have cut off way more hair and need to go Halle Berry short hair-do.

heelers said...

Enjoyed reading your blog today. Witty and interesting.

JeNeale said...

I love it! Now Jensen isn't the only one of the four to have cut her own hair. Although she is the only one to have cut her hair AND her cousin's hair at the same time. Like Jared said, it could have been worse. :) Not much comfort, though, as your child is standing there holding a hunk of hair.

As for making comments starting with, "My kids have never. . ." I have learned it is only safe to do that when they are getting ready to leave home, and even then it's touch and go. Hopefully Dalin doesn't decide to color on the wall before he leaves this fall. . .

Unknown said...

The words are struck from history. Lacey you look adorable with your cute bangs.Laur, I will buy you a new pan and cook some yummy big tapico pudding when I come to see you. The laundry - well- that is not my favorite but I will try. Don't know yet when I am coming.

Marisa said...

Those bangs remind me a great deal of my grade-school picture-day bangs. My mom would realize *that* morning that it was time to trim my was never good.

There are many parenting comments I wish I could take back!

Laur, it's so much fun to get a sneak peek into your life! It's the little things each day that make the life of a mom so fun, challenging, scary, rewarding.

Jared and Maren said...

Well, in an attempt to make you feel better. Noah today got scissors to the looked like he'd been attacked with a machete. The bangs were everywhere, great chunks from top and side were missing. It was a disaster. And to top it off, I was the one who did it. I ran him over to my hair dresser friend and he now looks like he's been buzzed. Just be glad you can blame the lovely hairdo on your daughter.

Marisa said...

I thought Lacey was holding a rat...


Anonymous said...

Lacey would still be cute, even if she had no hair at all! :D Lauralee,your writing is beautiful as always!! :D -Tiffany